About Alpha Code
Don’t let the fire burn out, utilise Alpha Code’s powerful formulation of vitamins and minerals for maintaining male reproductive and general health! This potent mix will keep you on top of your game, ready for whatever the day throws at you. With each tablet, you get the components to maintain healthy testosterone levels and maintain sperm health.
Support your body so that you can continue to do the things you love. Packed full of Zinc and Panax Ginseng, each tablet has certain ingredients to help testosterone production. These ingredients can also have beneficial effects on your overall health. Benefits like supporting brain health, immune system function and physical endurance can mean you remain on top of your game at any age.
What are the benefits I can get from Alpha Code by Genetix Nutrition:
- Reduce the number of free radicals formed in the body
- Support sperm health in healthy males
- Maintain physical endurance in men
- Traditionally used in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine to promote healthy libido
- Traditionally used in Chinese medicine to support healthy sexual function
- Relieve feelings of fatigue and weakness
- Maintain general health and wellbeing
- Support hair growth, health and thickness
- Traditionally used in Chinese medicine to nourish the liver
- Support immune system health and healthy immune system function
- Assists protein synthesis in the body
- Support healthy testosterone levels in the body
- Support mental focus and function
- Maintain nervous system health and function
They also include a number of glow potion elements that will leave you looking as good as you feel. Particularly Alpha Code can also aid supporting hair health and hair thickness, for that added extra spring in your step.